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The CALLINFO.BBS information we have is incomplete, so Citadel might not write this file completely correctly. This file is a text file, with each field taking a line followed by a carriage return/line feed (ASCII 13 and ASCII 10) combination. The information that Citadel writes is:

User's Name
    The name of the currently logged in user, with all color codes removed.
    The number 0 for 2400 baud, 1 for 300 baud, 2 for 1200 baud, 3 for 9600 baud, or 5 for console or other speed.
    The last line of the user's mailing address that has data in it, or blank if no lines have data.
Security Level
    The number 5 for problem users, 30 for normal users, 80 for Aides, and 100 for Sysops.
Time left
    The time left in the user's accounts, in minutes. In an attempt to keep from overflowing other software's limits, no value larger than 546 minutes is written.
ANSI Color
    The word "COLOR" if the current user has ANSI color enabled or "MONO" if he does not.
    The current user's password (but not initials).
Userlog Number
    The current user's slot in LOG.DAT. (Not that this means anything to Citadel.)
Time used
    The number of minutes this call has lasted. If there is no user logged in, the number 0.
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "01:23".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "01:23 01/02/90".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "ABCDEFGH".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "0".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "99".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "0".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "9999".
Phone number
    The current user's phone number.
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "01/01/90 02:34".
    The word "EXPERT" if helpful hints are turned off or "NOVICE" if they are on.
File transfer protocol
    The name of the user's default file transfer protocol, or a blank line if none is specified.
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "01/01/90".
Times on
    The number of times the current user has logged onto the system.
Lines per screen
    The number of lines per screen, or 0 if the current user has screen pause turned off.
Last message read
    The new message pointer for the current room.
Total uploads
    The total number of files the user has uploaded.
Total downloads
    The total number of files the user has downloaded.
Excessively Stupid!!!
    The text "8 { Databits }". (There are two spaces between the "8" and the "{".)
User's location
    The text "LOCAL if logged in on console, or "REMOTE" if logged in over the modem.
    The text "COM" followed by the serial port number of the modem. (For example, "COM1" if the modem is on the first serial port.)
    The number 0 for 2400 baud, 1 for 300 baud, 2 for 1200 baud, 3 for 9600 baud, or 5 for other speed. No attention is paid to whether the user is on console or not.
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "FALSE".
Another stupid thing
    The text "Normal Connection".
    Citadel writes nothing out. Our information lists this field as being "01/02/94 01:20".
Task number
    Citadel writes the number 0.
Door number
    Citadel writes the number 1. 


doors/dropfiles/callinfobbs.1522288694.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/03/29 01:58 by